- Emails are FREE! and the preferred method of communication.
Phone Calls / In-Person Meetings
- Phone calls and in-person meetings are billed at a rate of $65 / hour in 1 hour increments.
- Time begins at scheduled time of appointment. Missed appointments will be billed at 1 hour and will be rescheduled via email.
- 1 hour notice required to reschedule an appointment.
Working Hours
- Emails: Mon - Fri, 6 AM - 6 PM
- Appointments (Phone / In - Person): Mon - Thurs, 7 AM - 3 PM
- Accepted payment methods: credit card, PayPal, Bitcoin and check. Accepted payment method for monthly services: credit card.
- Payment due in full before project commences.
- Invoices to be paid within 1 week (7 days) of invoice date. Website will be taken down on day 7 and will be reinstated when payment is received.
Monthly Services
- Payment to be made by credit card.
- Payment of setup fee will begin monthly services. The credit card used for the initial payment will be charged on the same day on a monthly basis thereafter.
- Payment is due within 1 week (7 days) of receiving the sign up link. If payment is not received within 1 week (7 days) of receiving the sign up link the website will be removed from my servers and will be reinstated when payment is received.